Water Resources and Environment

POWERCHINA NORTHWEST is one of the first research, planning, design and EPC contracting companies working on regional (basin) environmental protection and ecological restoration, water system construction and urban development, waterfront ecosystem reconstruction and other similar large-scale integrated harnessing projects. Through years of practice and exploration, POWERCHINA NORTHWEST has formed a well-considered technical solutions for river and lake systems, first set the idea of harnessing rivers and lakes with the main objectives of flood control and drainage safety, clean water quality, ecosystem health, clean and beautiful environment, and presented an engineering management paradigm.

At present, POWERCHINA NORTHWEST has completed the engineering design for  river harnessing of more than 1300 km, taking the lead role in transforming the service scope from traditional water conservancy to modern water resources development and from hydraulic engineering to eco-hydraulic engineering, and constantly improving the comprehensive functions of rivers and lakes in social and economic development and natural environment.

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